Sunday 26 December 2010

Sunday Comments, December 26

I hope you all had a lovely and peaceful holiday!

Lines of the week:
  • Dev "I got stuck in a jumper!" (sweater)
  • Leanne to Peter "So you think i want to spend the rest of my life with some useless lush? Grow up!"
  • Sunita "It's your birthday. What else can you give a man that has everything!"
  • Norris about Gail: "If there is such a thing as Karma, she must have been very wicked in her past lives"
  • Steve: "There are some things you don't want in your head. And your mum molesting someone half her age is one of them."
  • Norris about Gail: "Another chat? They're not going to break out the Garibaldis, they've hauled her in for questioning. She didn't go willingly, either, I thought they were going to haul out the tasers!"
  • Kelly laughing at Teresa "I have never loved another woman as i love carla Connor at the moment"
  • Graeme: "Thanks for ringing, Candy!" Kirk: "That's ok"
  • Norris "whatever happened to concern for your neighbours!"
  • Trev to Norris: "If I told you where to put your bin, would you do it?
  • Mary: "Any news of Gail?" Emily: "No. Just the old news. Recycled. Endlessly"
  • Norris "There's only one place this monstrosity is going" Mary "He seems a little unsure" Emily "Maybe it'll grow on him!" (HA!! Best line of the week!)
Becky didn't think it was so weird that Liz was flirting with Ciaran but we all know, he's not serious, it's just the way he is. Meanwhile, Becky miscarried. That's tough. But why would Steve think Becky would react any differently? He's just as bad for keeping stuff from her when he's upset. Having said that, Becky was irritating me with her over the top reaction but i guess it is typical of Becky. Some really nice scenes between Liz and Becky. Nicest scene of the week i think.

Tina is really having a hard time with Joe's death. I want to know where her mother is! She did talk to her on the phone but you'd think her mother would come see her. I think going to the lake to see where her dad died is not such a bad thing really. All the things she's uncovering about what David did (text, flowers) that Gail took the blame for, mind you, is starting to gel together in Tina's mind as a conspiracy.

Gail wishes she'd taken time to really enjoy being with Joe but let's face it, he didn't really make that easy. I do feel for Gail in one way, losing her husband but on the other hand i have no sympathy for her for lying and making things worse. And looky there, the police know about the life insurance policy taken out just after the wedding. THey're using that as pretty hard evidence. Ever hear of handwriting experts? Joe certainly wasn't one, so it's a pretty safe bet an expert could tell it wasn't Gail's writing. Gail also gets all affronted because she's the talk of the local gossip but what does she expect?

Kelly was laughing out of the other side of her face when Teresa won the job hunting bet and got a job as Underworld's cleaner. She tried to sabotage Teresa but that didn't work either. Kelly's being more obnoxious than usual, don't you think?

Norris and Dev share a birthday? I think Dev got a much nicer gift than Norris did but he's still a drama queen for grumbling about gifts people were kind enough to give him. Ok, A packet of toe spreaders, a callous knife and bed socks were a bit naff but considering how much he complains about his feet, is it any wonder? Mary bought him a hairpiece!! For once, I actually laughed at a scene with Norris in. No surprise to see him trying it on in the gents'.

Peter signed himself out of rehab and finished early. Again. Now is he in denial or is he really ready to tackle sobriety? I can see why Peter would be angry that George is off with Simon. I don't trust George either! He has no right to keep Simon. Peter's instincts are spot on. Was this George's plan all along or is he just a control freak? Peter wasn't drunk, he was just angry that George had Simon and wouldn't give him back. Dev is such a girl! What does he do to feel better? Retail Therapy! Meanwhile it looks like Sunita is missing him. I didn't suppose Sunita would be too crazy about Dev telling his troubles to his staff but why shouldn't he? Molly is a friend as well and Sunita would be talking to her friends about it all if she has any. Typical, though, Dev runs to the Rovers to see Sunita and finds her chatting and laughing with her ex.

I laughed at Kirk and Graeme both getting the other's mobile number instead of Candy's. Daft as a pair of brushes but Graeme at least had one clue once he realized Candy ripped both of them off, but i didn't think the two of them actually were matey enough to go out on the tiles together.

Ok, we're now going to see Stape moan and whine about not being a teacher. Wait until you see where that's going to lead. And, for one last word in praise of Graeme Proctor, read my assessment of an old soul in a young body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Betelgeuse.. from the movie Beetle Juice. lol I thought the picture was of Michael Keaton. Well have a good one!

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