Sunday 26 June 2011

Sunday Corrie Comments, June 26

It was the Royal Corrie Wedding of the year and wasn't it a party!!! That was amazing! From the train, even with Mary trying to sabotage it and Fiz and Becky pumping that hand car, to Roy's delight to see her and his touching speech! Awwwww!!! Hayley looked so nice even if it was Mary's dress! Even at the last minute, Mary was trying to put the guilters into Hayley but she didn't back down and invite Mary and i think overhearing Becky making fun of Mary probably pushed her past that edge of her tenuous sanity. Norris, of course, was a grumpy guts, i don't know why he even bothered going if all he was going to do was complain. Just scared he'd miss something and he got his fill, all right. The bus set off and Mary followed it, just like Jaws stalking a swimmer!

Just an aside, boy they sure got off that platform and into the train lickety split didn't they? I think that was probably where the break was in the middle of the show in the UK. Still... There's Mary sitting on the end of the platform and nobody saw her even though they were all leaning out the window waving? And who were they waving at? There was only her and they would have been waving something different than a full hand wave if they'd seen her! And the result? Half way down the line, the last car unloosed itself. Wouldn't they have heard a clang or felt a jerk as the car came away?

And wow, Didn't it all kick off between the Websters and the Peacocks! Feathers were flying and Sophie and Sian didn't stick up for Claire. Sally poked and stoked and it was her fault... her temper got the better of her and she was the one that caused all the trouble and it sparked that red headed temper in Claire. Uh oh, she let the lesbian cats out of the bag! Did you see Sally's face? Will Sally believe her? No, because Sophie didn't own up at the wedding.

Kevin later told her he'd support her but it wasn't about that, it was about Aadi. But when she did tell her dad, he was shocked but he did try to understand. What a sweet little scene between her and her dad, too, wasn't it? but then he told Sally and uh oh.... Poor Sally's in shock and she didn't handle it very well but she means well. She would have been supportive if she'd had the chance and once she'd got her head around it.

What was i telling you about Sian being a bad influence? I'm serious. I'm with Sally on that point. Now Sian has decided that she and Sophie must run away because nobody will accept them as a couple when it's just that she's scared of her father finding out. I feel bad for Sian as far as that goes but running away? And what did Rosie do? Fund them! I suppose she knew she wouldn't be able to talk her out of it. We'll be in for a few weeks of Sally hand wringing and feeling guilty now.

But back to the wedding... Awwww... It was so lovely! Roy could barely manage a kiss but the cheer from the audience was resounding. Roy's speech was very heartfelt and touching, too. Off they went in the Woody and happiness to them. Did you happen to notice a blonde woman at a table by the dance floor, wearing a white top and dark jacket? She was also behind Norris when he caught the bouquet. That's my mate R'Annie! And you can see a pictorial essay of the day here.

Hayley looked so funny standing on that push cart at attention! Mary back at the bar was full of bitterness. It sounds like her mother has a lot to answer for. Becky is pretty sure that Mary was responsible, i laughed at her winding up Mary in the cafe, pretending that forensics were looking for her fingerprints.

Didn't take Michelle long to get her feet back under the table. Can Ciaran be far behind? At least Liz stood up for herself. Liz *is* the manager and licensee after all. Kylie damn well is responsible for Steve's bike gone missing. She might not have taken it herself so she could swear to it but she did arrange for it and then used some of the money to buy her little boy, Max, a toy for his birthday and then hiked out the bathroom window with him. Luckily, Becky managed to diffuse the situation and persuade Kylie to give Max back. Do it the right way and Kylie will get Max back but otherwise, she never will.

Meanwhile, Ken has tracked down Susan's son, Lawrence and he's got a son, James. Deirdre had no room to be bitchy about Ken not telling her anything. She's been giving him the silent treatment for weeks if she hasn't been bickering with him.
Ken meets Susan's son and it's clear to everyone but him (ok, Deirdre) that Lawrence is the spit of Ken, snobby attitude, mannerisms and philandering included. Deirdre sure changed her tune when she saw how good looking Lawrence is. Well there's no surprise that he's turned out to be Ken's son. And i swear, they're trying to make Deirdre into her mother, with all those sarcastic remarks. Wonderful casting, too. You do know that both actors are the real-life sons of Bill Roache! Linus Roache is Lawrence. The younger one whom we'll meet next week, James Roache, played his father in the Road to Coronation Street (My review of it here), the story of how Tony Warren created Corrie. It's available in Canada now, so look for it, it's very much worth it.

Dev is horrible. Just horrible. How on earth any rational man could go on a blame rampage against neighbours he's known for years, i don't know. First it's Claire, then it's Sophie and Sian. Then it's Claire again but oh, Sophie ran away it must be her to blame (Aided by Ashley, mind you who was just protecting his wife). I don't like Dev and i like him even less now.

Ah so Fiz found out that Natasha isn't really pregnant. It was a short leap but she let Fiz believe she'd had a miscarraige. She's trying to get pregnant and thinks she can get away with a date mixup but come on... you might be able to get away with a few weeks but she should be almost 2 months gone now or even a little more.


Suburban Princess said...

I thought this week's eps were awesome! I cant wait to see what next week brings :O)

Classic Corrie wedding moments with Haley coming down the tracks. Only topped by Claire running down the street in her wedding gown clutching the hand of a mini Spiderman :O)

Tvor said...

It was wonderful! And yes, it will be one of the classic wedding episodes just as their first wedding was.

Kimmie said...

You can watch 'road to coronation street' online at

Dorothy Stewart said...

Thank you! I hadn't realized both new actors in the Ken story were William Roache's sons. I knew Ken's new grandson would be played by a real-life son (the Road to CS one). When I saw Lawrence, I thought wow, they found someone who really looks like Ken! I forgot to look at the credits, so was hoping you'd explain. I hate knowing things in advance, so I'm glad I still got a surprise with this great casting.

Tvor said...

Dorothy the man in the middle of the above picture is James Roache who plays Lawrence's son James and also played Bill in Road to CS. There's enough age difference between the two brothers that they can pass for father and son. They were from two different marraiges/mothers.

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