Monday 12 August 2013

Corrie Canada weekly awards: Aug. 5 - 9

Birthday Fail award: Roy doesn't know how the Happy Birthday song goes!

Nero Award: Roy is griddling while Rome burns!  Brilliant line!

Quest award: Roy has thrown himself into research. But he is supportive when it counts.

Banshee award: Yes, Sally does have that quality sometimes, doesn't she?

Taking the bull by the horns award: Carla was the one doing the proposing.

A Rose by any other Name award: Yes. It *is* a Pawnbrokers. They just made it politically correct with a different name.

Michelin Man award: Loved Steve's soliloquy and dilemma about biscuits.

Did I forget something award: Baby's coming home today after being in hospital for 2 months since he was born. Oh right. I suppose we better put together the baby furniture then. How does this thing work? Doh.

Nervous Nelly award: Gary instantly assumes he's to blame if the baby cries. Or wees. Or he doesn't know what the baby wants.

Callback to Corrie History: Loved the mention of the collapse of Number 7 in the 60s.

High Noon award: Ok. This feud is getting a bit ridiculous now. It's gone from a misspoken phrase to a clash of pride to a quagmire of misunderstandings and everyone's judging and taking sides.

Musical Ambiance award: Ashes to Ashes playing while Tina comes to terms with Jake coming home from hospital, but not with her.

Lines of the week:
Deirdre "Me pottery teacher said it was a one-off" (certainly!)
Carla "Sometimes you get too used to being the strong one" Hayley "Roy sees the world through a strange lens"
Leanne to Nick "Has anyone got a grudge against you?" (you don't have to look too far)
Eileen to Paul "Why don't you try playing the grownup"
Roy "Know Thine Enemy"
Peter "Richard Branson I ain't, baby"
Carla "Deirdre, they should bottle you"
Peter to Tracy "You're showing signs of a heart, you want to get that checked out"
Peter "What was it that attracted you to the skint bigamist bookie?" Carla "His black leather jacket, actually" (Yep, that would do it for me, too!)
Hayley "I don't want my life to be on long conversation about cancer"
Tracy to Deirdre "Instead of listening to my dad, why not splash out on a few opinions of your own?"
Carla "Buy me some bling!"
Eileen to Paul over breakfast "I see it's not just bridges you like burning"
Rob to Peter "You'll have about as much clout as a left hook from Emily Bishop"

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